
General Information
  • ID MES_CIF_2
  • Competitive Innovation Fund (CIF) – the Second Call for Proposals for HEls
  • Start Date: 28 September 2023
  • Deadline: 11 December 2023 23:59

The second Call for proposals of a Competitive Innovation Fund (CIF) created in frames of a program – “Georgia I2Q – Innovation, Inclusion and Quality”, approved by Ordinance #338 of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia of March 9, 2020, is announced.

The strategic objective of the CIF is to foster modernization of higher academic programs and learning environment and strengthen the labour market linkages. CIF is aimed at public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the consortia projects encouraging cooperation of the public and private HEIs targeting specific development and innovation issues.

The 2nd Call for proposals is announced for the academic programs of the following broad fields of “Classification of Fields of Study”: a) Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics; b) Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs); c) Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction; d) Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary; e) Education; f) Health and Welfare.

Themes for the 2nd Call:

  1. Joint elaboration/development/implementation of academic programs, including with partnership of public-private HEIs, focused on quality enhancement of learning and teaching methods and tailored to the industry/labour market needs (joint teaching/practice and/or other initiatives on different levels of education, including structured doctoral programs).
  2. Elaboration/development of academic programs in cooperation with a foreign higher education institution recognized in accordance with the legislation of a foreign country for the purpose of awarding joint academic degree (including “double degree”) and/or promoting international accreditation.
  3. Supporting HEIs to be awarded with accreditation of a foreign organization recognized by the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement.

Additionally, a grant proposal must include a combination of following activities (different combinations due to a field specifics) to demonstrate the aim of developing a joint academic program (both elaboration and development of the programs):

  • introducing innovations in terms of teaching and learning including support for classroom teaching utilizing technology and modern pedagogical approach, such as problem-solving and project-based learning, and improvement of e-learning methods;
  • developing program content to reflect the latest trends in the field;
  • modernizing and upgrading labs and physical infrastructure to meet the program objectives;
  • reinforcing practice component in academic programs and enhancing students’ practical skills;
  • engaging relevant employers with curriculum development to reinforce the linkages with the labour market;
  • supporting HEIs to attract female students to STEM programs in higher educational system.


Eligible applicants for the funding window (call for proposals) are:

  • The public HEIs (single applicant);
  • Consortia projects that involve two or more eligible HEIs (in that at least one is a public HEI), who are the main beneficiaries of the project).

For further information on the call, please view Ordinance #1242838.

Additional questions about the call for proposals may be sent by email no later than the 20st of November 2023 at [email protected].

Questions and Answers are available on the following webpage:



Documents for Information

  • CIF Operational Manual_GEO
  • CIF Operational Manual_ENG
  • CIF Guidelines for Applicants_GEO
  • CIF Guidelines for Applicants_ENG
  • Draft Grants Financing Agreement_GEO
  • Draft Grants Financing Agreement_ENG
  • Ordinance on 2ed call announcement_GEO
  • ბრძანებაში ცვლილების შეტანის შესახებ

Documents to be submitted

  • Proposal Submission Form (PDF) _GEO
  • Proposal Submission Form (PDF) _ENG
  • Strategic Development Plan of the lead applicant HEI_GEO
  • Strategic Development Plan of the lead applicant HEI_ENG
  • CVs of the core team_GEO
  • CVs of the core team_ENG
  • Budget (Excel format)_GEO
  • Budget (Excel format)_ENG
  • Implementation plan (Excel Gantt Chart)_GEO
  • Implementation plan (Excel Gantt Chart)_ENG
  • Project Deliverables and Monitoring Plan_GEO
  • Project Deliverables and Monitoring Plan_ENG
  • Citizen Engagement Plan_GEO
  • Citizen Engagement Plan_ENG
  • Registration documents of non HEI partners_GEO
  • Registration documents of non HEI partners_ENG
  • Consortium agreement_GEO
  • Consortium agreement_ENG
  • Confidentiality Agreement (signed by all partners)_GEO
  • Confidentiality Agreement (signed by all partners)_ENG
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by all partners_GEO/ENG
  • CIF Grant Applicant Statement_GEO
  • CIF Grant Applicant Statement_ENG
  • HEI Representation Form_GEO