
General Information
Innovation Matching Grants
  • ID IN_14
  • Innovation Matching Grants
  • Start Date: 3 February 2021
  • Deadline: 2 May 2021 23:59

650 000 GEL Innovation Matching Grants


Applicant/Recipient:  Companies registered at least one (1) year before the call is launched with annual turnover of up to GEL 30 million per enterprise; consortia of organizations in which  lead applicant is an enterprise.

Frequency of announcement: Rolling base, with quarterly announcement of results;

Amount of single grant: Minimum GEL 150,000. Maximum GEL 650,000 per project. During the entire IMG program, the applicant/co-applicant cannot obtain more than GEL 650,000

Private sector co-financing: 50% of eligible project costs (in cash) to be secured from

Single project length: up to 24 months



Innovation Matching Grants Program aims stimulate innovation and creation of innovative enterprises in the Georgian economy. The program will promote product, technological or business process innovation by Georgian MSMEs with a preference to innovation that introduces innovation on a global scale with a clear Georgian nexus and operations headquartered in Georgia.

The program will fund a portfolio of projects showing significant innovation and market potential. Projects should aim to develop new products, processes or services (or innovative use of existing ones) that are new at least to the Georgian market. Preference will be given to projects that introduce innovation on a global scale or enable provision of services to international markets.

Eligibility Criteria of applicants:

  • private sector (at least 51% privately owned) business entity
  • with annual turnover of up to GEL 30 million
  • companies registered at least one (1) year before the call is launched 
  • 50% or more cannot be owned by other shareholder company

Eligibility /criteria of co-applicants:

  • private sector (at least 51% privately owned) business entity incorporated under the applicable/current Entrepreneurs Law of Georgia;


  • An authorized higher education institution (public or private) located in Georgia,


  • Georgian scientific academies or scientific research institution

Innovation Matching Grants Program will be launched on 22 of May 2019 and be active during 2 years.


Documents for Information

  • Innovation Matching Grants Manual
  • Attachment IMG2 - Environmental and Social Management Framework-ESMF (Georgian and English)
  • Attachment IMG5 - Applicant's Statement (Georgian and English)
  • Decree № 1-1/244 of Minister of Economy and Sustainable development of Georgia

Documents to be submitted

  • IMG3 - Project Budget template (Georgian and English)
  • IMG4 - 3-year financial forecast (Georgian and English)
  • Applicant's (co-applicants' if any) Business Registration Form issued by NAPR and/or the relevant law in case of public entity co-applicants
  • ძირითადი პერსონალის ავტობიოგრაფიები (CV) და/ან სამუშაოს აღწერები (ToR) - არაუმეტეს ხუთისა (ქართული და ინგლისური)
  • Notification from the revenue services that the applicant is not a VAT payer or VAT declaration for the last twelve months